
Goccia Lacay Bleu, IT - Chartreux

GIC Pirouette de Juma, FR
SC Amonet Blue Alchemist, CZ DVM
SC Goccia Lacay Bleu, IT
GIC Deianeira Blue Alchemist, CZ
CH JCH KCH Letizia Opera Prima, IT
JCH KCH Electra Blue Alchemist, CZ
KCH Leeloo Minai My Swiss Spirit, CH JW

Pirouette is a cute and gentle cat with an innocent expression. But she is also a masked feline mischief maker, curious, courageous and explorative. She has to assist in everything and is damn fast. Pirouette is a cuddly little bugger who tries to keep all the cats at bay. She is a soft blue litter, who plays at times and successfully pretends to be ignorant, to show how much she loves her two-legged friends and wants to be near them all the time.

Amonet is our blue cat, daughter of Pirouette and Eros. She has inherited her parents' wonderful friendly nature and also beautiful expression with eyes, in which sometimes flame pretty devilish flames. She is a very intelligent cat and always tries to find out what is behind which toy or game she is playing. She likes to seek our company and is always talking or commenting on something. She is a little all-rounder and a great assistant.

Goccia is a blue sweetheart, cuddly and contact cat and also a great explorer and researcher. She has a thoughtful, pensive expression and is an irresistible toy. Anything that catches her attention she has to immediately investigate and get to the bottom of it. She loves to climb and explore at heights. Her contented purr cannot be overheard and she certainly doesn't spare it, as well as commenting on everything and everyone.

Deianeira is the daughter of Goccia and Eros. She is a gentle little girl who inherited her parents' beautiful deep gaze with her copper eyes. Deianeira is a toy lover and loves to cuddle her head just like her daddy Eros. She has a very sweet and friendly nature.

Letizia is a cat with amazing coat color and a beautiful expression on her face. Letizia loves to be carried around and play all sorts of games. She is a talkative cat who has to be there and help with everything. She has a gentle nature and will instantly win the heart of every two-legged and feline friend.